Ayden Rhoades
(Redirected from Ayden Rhodes)

- Age: 37
- Race: Ikaanian
- Weight: 93 kg
- Height: 189 cm
- Frame: Herculean
- Religion: Atheist
- Base location: Crystal Heights, Virax Springs
- Status: Paragon
- Price: $3,500 ($430/day)
- Roaming location: Crystal Heights, Virax Springs
Ayden Rhoades is a paragon. He was born into a family that didn't care much about his wellbeing or that of his siblings. The coping mechanisms he developed to help him survive this emotional deprivation have led to him to achieve material success and a degree of fame, but he remains marked by his upbringing.
There is more background information available after acquiring this NPC.
Character Traits
- Overcharge (see below)
- Ammo Pack
- Crackshot
- Warrior
- Workaholic
- Nerd
- Unbreakable
He can also get (random chance):
Special Ability - Struver Overcharge: Ayden exclusively uses a customized coilgun that does +45 damage on its first shot in combat. The Struver-XE coil enhancer makes a lot of noise when it discharges, then needs 5 minutes to recharge.
Starting Stats:
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