
Many of the doors blocking where you want to go and things you want to learn about or obtain on Raana are locked, and openable via electronic codes enterable through a keypad - generally of four digits. If you haven't found the code somewhere, you may be able to obtain it via Hacking. You can try to crack one digit at a time. You can have multiple attempts at each digit. Each attempt takes 6 minutes and has a 50% chance of costing a Stamina point. Each door has a Difficulty rating (1-7); the higher, the harder. It is possible to crack locks rated more difficult than your current modified ability level - it just takes longer... maybe much longer. You cannot attempt Hacking one your Stamina points fall to 3 or less.
Your chance to successfully discover a digit is determined by your Science skill, plus the level of any Handheld Computer you have with you (e.g. those purchasable from Roo's store), whether you have the Techie trait, whether any of your Followers currently with you have the Techie trait, and whether you have obtained any Grid Keys (electronic keys obtainable through certain quests).

Once you have discovered most of the digits you may be able to guess the last 1 or 2. Most doors don't have alarms or other measures to prevent "brute forcing" via repeated attempts. This is usually old, pre-Severance technology.
Hacking ability is determined by:
- Base chance = MC's Science Skill (so 20-130).
- MC with Techie trait: +20.
- Each Follower with Techie trait: +15.
- Each level of Handheld Computer above 1: +15 (so +0-30).
- Each Grid Key possessed: +4.
Locks get 20-30 points harder per Difficulty level.