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The player in Masters of Raana shares Ikaanos with hundreds of detailed NPCs (Non-Player-Characters) that he's able to interact with in various ways. Most NPCs can also be added to his household as slaves, servants or mercenaries, just like you did with Ansel in the tutorial quest.

NPCs are divided into three main categories:

  • Story NPCs. Story NPCs continue to live their lives and age, work, lose or gain skill values, even if they're not assigned to the MC's household. These are the NPCs you stumble upon while exploring the map, solving quests or just happen to experience a streak of luck.
  • Random NPCs. Random NPCs are as advanced as story NPCs but are deleted when dismissed. These can often be found in slave auctions or as captured enemies after a successful combat situation.
  • Non-assignable NPCs. Certain shopkeepers and powerful political entities.


Story NPCs and Random NPCs have a status assigned to them that determines if they're low-life convicts or honored heroes of Ikaanos. An NPCs status can be changed through manipulation, deeds and other events.

  • Convict (1): Slaves that've been convicted to a life time of slavery for a very serious offence. They have no legal rights.
  • Slave (2): Slaves that've either been born into slavery or entered it voluntarily due to famine, fetishes or other reasons.
  • Servant (3): Also known as Issids, servants are free men and women who've often signed a bonds letter to a lord, household master or ranch owner. They have legal rights but are often given the same treatment as slaves.
  • Mercenary (4): Free sell-swords who work as caravan guards, body guards or army fillers.
  • Paragon (5): Proud warriors, renown musicians or other high-ranking people of Ikaanos belong to the paragon group.
  • Gentleman (6): Scientists, professors and glorified amateur researchers often count themselves into this group.
  • Family(9): Your offspring, siblings and other close relatives belong to this group.
  • Wife (10): Your wife, or wives, also have a special NPC status that puts them aside to others, offering more interactions and unique dialogue/titles.

You can read more about NPCs and what their Status means here: