NPCs (0823)

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The world of Raana is a dangerous one, and as such, rough individuals who can put a weapon to good use are in high demand. Such individuals are mercenaries, professionals who make a living renting their skill and bravery to the highest bidder. Every character you find in the game is capable of picking up a weapon and using it, but mercenaries are the ones who are proficient at it.

Hiring a mercenary results in them joining your household, where they will be available for assignment. They can be added to your combat party at you discretion or assigned to other duties if you prefer, though they're generally more useful in a combat role (either in your party or in guard duty).

Besides their combat proficiency, mercenaries otherwise behave exactly like any other hireling:

- To hire one, you must pay an upfront, one-time payment for the contract. Additionally, a daily fee (upkeep) is required for each day you keep them under your employment. Failure to pay the fee will not cause the mercenary to abandon you, but will damage your influence.

- They may be dismissed from your household. If you do so they will be available for hire again where you originally found them, but all money paid is non-refundable.

- They can be interacted with, which may lead to a quest and some reward.

- Both their gear and skill can be upgraded, but keep in mind that some might ask a better salary if you do.

- They cannot die. Depleting their health will only put them out of combat.

Available Mercenaries

Ansel Motte

An old friend of yours with a trouble past, as evidenced by his chest tattoo.


- Location: Redhaven Market.

- Contract Fee: $50.

- Upkeep: $18/Day.


- Health: 75.

- Strength: 45.

- Ranged Skill: 55.

- Melee Skill: 45.


- Ranged Weapon: None.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Leather Armor.


- Bonds of Trust: No penalty from not being able to pay his salary.

- Corrupted: Having a Floor Crawler will reduce his salary by 50%.

- Embezzler: Assigning him as an Accountant will result in him stealing money from you.


- Low Tier

- Likely to be the first mercenary hired by the first player.

- Comes with a couple unique quests and a unique business opportunity.


A simple grunt, looking for some adventure and extra money.


- Location: Redhaven Market

- Contract Fee: $150.

- Upkeep: $22/Day.


- Health: 75.

- Strength: 65.

- Ranged Skill: 65.

- Melee Skill: 50.


- Ranged Weapon: Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Leather Armor.


- Innocent: Corruption rises slowly.

- Confident: Demands a better salary if his skills increase.

- Simple-minded: Not suitable to be assigned to the academy.

- Tough times: +5 hit chance and damage during famines.


- Low Tier

- Decent starting gear and skill.

- Not a good long term hire option. Investing in him will make him more expensive.

Rifle Savant

A kind, but deeply mentally challenged man, who nonetheless possesses an extraordinary level of skill with a rifle.


- Location: Marston Avenue.

- Contract Fee: $150.

- Upkeep: $6/Day.


- Health: 25.

- Strength: 35.

- Ranged Skill: 100.

- Melee Skill: 15.


- Ranged Weapon: Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Leather Armor.


- Bonds of Trust: No penalty from not being able to pay his salary.

- Innocent: Corruption rises slowly.

- Kind-Hearted: Happiness and kindness rises quickly and easily.

- Mentally-challenged: Not suitable to be assigned to the academy, and schools will charge more to accommodate his special needs.

- Weapon Focus: Favors a specific weapon (rifle). Any other weapon receives a severe (-50) penalty.


- Low Tier.

- Extremely high skill, better than the elite mercenaries, but only when using rifles.

- Not a good long term option. Will get knock down pretty much always once you start fighting rifle-armed enemies.

Bud Walton

A bit of a lovable idiot, but also a good and loyal friend with more confidence than the city can hold.


- Location: Redheaven's Weapons store

- Contract Fee: $200

- Upkeep: $25/Day


- Health: 75

- Strength: 35

- Ranged Skill: 50

- Melee Skill: 45


- Ranged Weapon: Pistol

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife

- Armor: Leather Armor


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- Attention Whore: Requires constant attention from the player.


- Mid Tier.

- Lowest starting skill of any mercenary in the game.

- Provides his own ammunition despite his cheap price.

- He can become as skilled as the elites for a fraction of the price, but requires a lot of investment to get there.


A tough and fearless woman with a great sense of humor.


- Location: Sloppy Moe's Tavern (Marston Avenue).

- Contract Fee: $100.

- Upkeep: $25/Day.


- Health: 75.

- Strength: 25.

- Ranged Skill: 60.

- Melee Skill: 60.


- Ranged Weapon: Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Leather Armor.


- Female: Can be interacted with sexually, as well as assigned as a whore if her corruption becomes high enough.


- Mid Tier.

- Decent starting gear and skill.


A former gladiatrix, equally flirty and deadly.


- Location: Crystal Hills.

- Contract Fee: $600.

- Upkeep: $45/Day.


- Health: 75.

- Strength: 35.

- Ranged Skill: 40.

- Melee Skill: 75.


- Ranged Weapon: None.

- Melee Weapon: Power Katana.

- Armor: Leather Armor.


- Female: Can be interacted with sexually, as well as assigned as a whore if her corruption becomes high enough.


- Mid Tier.

- Good skill, but melee focused.

- Her low strength will hurt her damage output.


Feeble looking woman who nonetheless packs a few surprises.


- Location: Kasey's Park.

- Contract Fee: $500.

- Upkeep: $40/Day.


- Health: 75.

- Strength: 35.

- Ranged Skill: 70.

- Melee Skill: 55.


- Ranged Weapon: Shotgun.

- Melee Weapon: Sword.

- Armor: Heavy Leather Armor.


- Female: Can be interacted with sexually, as well as assigned as a whore if her corruption becomes high enough.

- Innocent: Corruption rises slowly.


- Mid Tier.

- An average performer, with neither great bonuses not significant drawbacks.

Dexter Colt

A weary-looking private detective.


- Location: Marston Avenue.

- Contract Fee: $700.

- Upkeep: $75/Day.


- Health: 100.

- Strength: 65.

- Ranged Skill: 80.

- Melee Skill: 55.


- Ranged Weapon: Revolver.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Heavy Leather Armor.


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- Don't Touch My Gun!: Can't change his ranged weapon (melee weapon not affected).

- Crack Shot: 25% chance to score a critical hit.


- Mid Tier.

- High Skill.

- Low price for a mercenary who provides his own ammunition, but weapon cannot be changed.

- The revolver he carries hits harder than you'd expect, but works better up close.

Mr. Doyle

A tough veteran of 100 battles. Always has a great story to tell.


- Location: Crow's Nest.

- Contract Fee: $2900.

- Upkeep: $19/Day.


- Health: 150.

- Strength: 65.

- Ranged Skill: 80.

- Melee Skill: 55.


- Ranged Weapon: Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Heavy Leather Armor.


- Senior: Receives a penalty of -3 to Strength and Dexterity each year. Completely disappears from the game after 5 years.


- Mid Tier.

- High Skill.

- Has the most expensive contract fee but an extremely low upkeep, making him a great long term hire.

Space Marine

Fearless elite warrior. Formerly part of the Spheremasters' forces.


- Location: Hamah Bay.

- Contract Fee: $1200.

- Upkeep: $230/Day.


- Health: 100.

- Strength: 75.

- Ranged Skill: 90.

- Melee Skill: 65.


- Ranged Weapon: Assault Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Combat Armor.


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- Jungle Warfare: +5 To combat rolls when not in urban environments.


- High Tier

- Relatively inexpensive for an elite warrior.

Felix Donnerschlag

A veteran of the Border Wars and hero of his people. Also known for being a bit of a diva.


- Location: Kasey's Park.

- Contract Fee: $1500.

- Upkeep: $330/Day.


- Health: 150.

- Strength: 75.

- Ranged Skill: 85.

- Melee Skill: 75.


- Ranged Weapon: Assault Rifle.

- Melee Weapon: Sword.

- Armor: Combat Armor.


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- High Demands: -100 daily influence if you can't pay his salary.

- Hero Status: +3 daily influence while this character is under your employment.


- High Tier

Black Guard

Troubled, mysterious elite warrior. Formerly part of the Spheremaster's Special Operations forces.


- Location: Warrior Hall (Watery Eyes).

- Contract Fee: $2500.

- Upkeep: $330/ Day.


- Health: 150.

- Strength: 75.

- Ranged Skill: 95.

- Melee Skill: 55.


- Ranged Weapon: Coilgun.

- Melee Weapon: Combat Knife.

- Armor: Duraplate Combat Armor.


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- Trainer: Training sessions can increase your own attributes.


- High Tier.


A highly-renowned, heavily-scarred, battle-hardened hero, wearing enough high tech gear to intimidate even the most crazed raider.


- Location: Virax Springs (Crystal Hills).

- Contract Fee: $2500.

- Upkeep: $390/ Day.


- Health: 150.

- Strength: 85.

- Ranged Skill: 95.

- Melee Skill: 85.


- Ranged Weapon: Coilgun.

- Melee Weapon: Sword.

- Armor: Duraplate Combat Armor.


- Ammo Pack: Provides his own ammo.

- Don't Touch My Stuff!: Can't change his equipment.

- High Demands: -100 daily influence if you can't pay his salary.

- Raised As A Soldier: Not suitable for any non-combat assignments.


- High Tier.

- Most expensive mercenary in the game.

- Deals double damage on the first hit.