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Released: March 23, 2023

Gameplay changes

  • You now have one extra Servant Action per day.
  • Ending the day with a girl that has Happiness 10 or less and Affection Abhorred or worse, now has a 20% risk of raising her Jaded Trait with one point.
  • It is now easier to raise your Blacksmithing and Artisan skills - especially their values are low (below 50).
  • You now have a larger chance to increase your Blacksmithing skill if you craft advanced weapons or advanced armor.
  • Eliana will now be much more accepting toward low arousal states and ask for you to stop/cancel her act after reaching -15/-10 Arousal instead of -6/-6 as for normal girls.
  • A girl assigned as a maid now has a 27% daily chance of raising her Workaholic Trait Value if her Discipline is 50+, her Happiness 60+ and her Affection Loving+. Your household also needs to be thoroughly upgraded (Bathroom lvl 3, Kitchen lvl 3 and Living room lvl 3).
  • You can now decrease a slave's Bloodthirsty Trait if you successfully declare your love for her while taking walks or having dinner dates (Events & Activities).
  • Girls recovering from sexual wear will now do so faster if the wear is below 25% and slower if it's above 75%.
  • Having Mae from Ansel's tutorial quest (random slave) assigned as a floor crawler will now drastically raise Ansel's Happiness if he is a member of your household.
  • Added 2,000+ words of anecdote texts to Caitlin after marrying her and taking her to a restaurant. Her dialogues deal with an innocent sexual encounter, her favorite history epoch and things she saw at Crystal Heights slave market.
  • Increased the yield from Amiee's Goods highest investment options with roughly $100.
  • Mr. Walton has lowered the cost of his 7.62 ammo with roughly 20%.
  • Tweaked the oral fixation trait gains during oral sex to give girls that are skilled in delivering blowjobs a chance to raise it.

Wife framework

  • You can now divorce your wife.
  • Having a fully upgraded living room now has a 20% chance of increasing your Wife's Affection up to Loving and her Happiness to a maximum of 50 if she's NOT Jaded and not Angry.
  • Having a fully upgraded bedroom now has a 20% chance of increasing your Wife's Affection up to Amiable and her Happiness to a maximum of 40 if she's NOT Jaded and not Angry.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would make ghost 306 ammo show up in your inventory if you hired a specific combo of NPCs.
  • Fixed a bug that would make Academy assignments stick even if you placed a girl in The Retreat.
  • Fixed a bug that would block you from crafting duraplate armors.
  • Fixed a bug that would display two sets of images during the course at Devious Tools.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't let Adrienne's Corruption increase properly after sex.
  • Fixed two separate bugs that made the player unable to assign Floor Crawlers.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't save skill increases and health states after an Arena fight.
  • Fixed a bug that would raise your max health while installing other implants at the medical facility.
  • Fixed a bug that would transfer the house rules clothing option between the first and secondary slave when swapping their positions.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't apply the correct changes to Eliana's attributes after finishing her quest.


  • You now have one extra Servant Action per day.
  • Added NPC: Rifle Savant.
  • Added NPC: Bud Walton.

Dockgrave Tavern

Dockgrave is a new establishment (Docks district) that offers a vast amount of interactions, entertainment and gambling-oriented mini games.

  • Carouse. Listen to local anecdotes, watch how Bud tries to impress the space marine and bathe in over 5,000 words of new MoR world lore. One night might look completely different from another based on who you assign to your group, especially if you bring "Party friendly" followers like Rebecca, Rachel, Bud, Ansel and The Space Marine. Going through five carousing nights will give you some form of skill-up or Influence boost as a reward.
  • Hire prostitutes. While not offering the same privacy as Furry's Tavern, walking into a corner for a quick blowjob is a cheap and effective way of getting at least the same *end result*. Having Enya or (adult) Laika assigned as whores has a small chance of them appearing with a unique render.
  • Poker game. Test your luck and gambling skills in a very advanced poker mini game. Strategy, opponents and your Poker Fame are all important parts for obtaining victory. Maximum prize yield for one game is $1,700 if all participants raise through all three rounds.
  • Sell slaves. Dockgrave's owner, Mr. Finnegan, can provide you with a very lucrative business arrangement that includes ten "hand-crafted" slaves for his establishment.
  • The Velvet Room (Tier Request). Reaching a certain amount of Influence provides access to the underbelly of Dockgrave Tavern. Here, an esteemed gentleman can get all his carnal desires satisfied, if he's wealthy enough.


  • Added 3 household interior pics (Eliana living room lvl 1 and 2, Averil, living room lvl 2). Tier request.
  • Replaced 2 Rebecca wardrobe pics.
  • Replaced 4 Lovisa pics (bdsm initiation, various sex scenes).
  • Added 6 sex scenes for Eliana.
  • Added 18 sex scenes for Averil.
  • Added 43 bondage scenes for Averil.
  • Added 3 Arena scenes for Averil.
  • Added 2 training pics for Averil.