
"Artifacts" is a catch-all term for items whose function is mysterious to the current human inhabitants of Raana. It includes items from old Earth, which might be banal but of historical interest, or potentially functional but useless without the required technology to support them. It also includes items discovered on Raana which appear to be artificial in nature - e.g. the "Beryll pottery", presumed to have been made by an unusually advanced culture of the the "Beryll Monkeys" several hundred years ago, and possibly also items older and more advanced than this, which some attribute to "aliens".
There is not much of a market for Artifacts. You will come across some occasionally, and shady individuals may bring some to you seeking a buyer, if you get known as the sort of person who takes things "no questions asked" and with the contacts to pass them on further. And once you are established with the Academy, they should be able to point you towards independent artifacts expert Stacey McClung who will be able to answer some of your questions about Artifacts, and buy them from you if you wish.
Alternatively you may be able to donate them to some factions to increase your Standing with them, or install some in your home (Office or Library) where they may assist your efforts in Homeschooling your staff, or keep them as decorations in your rooms (check the House menus for options). Placing 4 rare artifacts in your Office may give a +0.1% daily chance for each member of your household to increase their Academic, Science or Administration.