Dengi Marauders

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Dengi Marauders (also called "Dengis", "The Wasteland Raiders" or "Skull bearers") are an ethnic group of First-wavers who originate from the Dengi valley north of The Hakusan Empire.

Dengis are a large and primitive tribe consisting of roughly 3,000-6,000 adult males and females. A precise number is hard to guess as very few modern studies have been conducted in the vast wastelands that the dengi occupy.

They're however known, especially in the Prometheus region, for abducting children and women that they either assimilate into their own tribe or use as breeders to water out their abnormality-afflicted genetic pool. Male raiders are also rumored to use an unprecedented savagery when defeating other warriors; chopping off limbs, eating their enemy's heart and decorating their armors with bones, ears and other body parts.

According to Thomas Eccer, The Dengi tribe originated from a group of "twelve heroes" that were thrown out from the original first-wave settlers around 2135. 300 years of isolation, inbreeding and a fight-for-survival culture have formed the almost inhuman group of people we see today.

Dengi Marauders are called "The scourge of Hakusan" for a reason, as the sword-wielding Hagui guard patrolling the north borders often come into (hostile) contact with this tribe.

Dengis south of Prometheus is thankfully a very rare phenomenon.

All Dengis have the "Frenzy" ability, which causes a large damage increase as their HEALTH drops. This ability is only active for melee weapons.

  • Health below 100: +5 damage.
  • Health below 50: +25 damage.
  • Health below 10: +50 damage.

Dengi invasion event ("The Scourge of Raana")

The player will have the option to enable an end game dengi invasion event at startup. This event is set to OFF as default.

Once the amount of played days ($days gte $dengi_days) has reached or surpassed the "days" setting, there's a 20% daily chance of the initial event chain to execute. Once that event chain reaches "The Rise of The Dengi King", Ikaanos is invaded by a roughly 5,000+ man strong army of monstrous creatures that'll try to destroy human civilization and enslave its people.

The player can actively try to defeat the dengis, who're harassing The entire Red River Basin and Kasey's Park. By fighting his way through the hordes of degenerates all the way to the Dengi King in Bela's Marsh, the player can also play a direct role in ending the invasion.

Skyguard is actively trying to fight this monstrous threat, however, and will deplete the dengi warrior count based on a number or factors. Unfortunately, Skyguard will also be depleted. If Skyguard drops below 200 men, and if the king is still alive, the destruction of Ikaanos begins, which immediately ends the game.

The active stance of Skyguard provides an alternative route for a non-combat oriented MC who can aid by providing NPCs and weaponry by investing in The Republic at either Fort Hamilton or Town Hall.

Depletion factors

  • Base depletion (dengi warriors): -20-25/day.
  • Base depletion (Skyguard soldiers): -30-65/day.

Dengi depletion

  • Skyguard has less than 3,000 soldiers: -(-5)/day.
  • Skyguard is 10,000+ strong: -25/day.
  • Skyguard is 15,000+ strong: -25/day.
  • Skyguard is 20,000+ strong: -25/day.
  • IMS Ulthar is built: -15/day.
  • City Control is below 20: -(-5)/day.
  • City Control is 90+: -20/day.
  • City Power is 15,000+: -10/day.
  • City Power is 20,000+: -10/day.
  • City Power is 25,000+: -10/day.
  • CTM Power is 12,000+: -10/day.
  • Aesir Power is 1,000+: -10/day.
  • Cyker Power is 900+: -5/day.
  • Defeating a dengi marauder enemy POI: -5/encounter.

Skyguard depletion

  • Dengi is 2,000+ strong: -25/day.
  • Dengi is 3,000+ strong: -50/day.
  • Dengi is 5,000+ strong: -100/day.

Control, Prosperity and Power Value

An ongoing Dengi invasion imposes catastrophic consequences for the Republic.

  • Control: -1/day (15% chance).
  • Prosperity: -1/day (20% chance).
  • Power Value: -100/day (20% chance).

Other effects

As long as The Scourge of Raana is active, the following effects are true:

  • No Fast travel (to) outside Ikaanos City.
  • Blocked passage routes if dengis are currently occupying an outskirts district.
  • No incomes from Straalsund (Imogen's Barrow) or the trade network at Kasey's Park.
  • Certain hunting locations are drastically depleted over time.
  • The walker farm is permanently destroyed.
  • Workers and field upgrades are permanently set to 0 for Darkmere Farm. Dengi warrior count: -(number of workers at Darkmere Farm). Sawmill is unaffected.
  • Zapin Fields remain unaffected as Dengis fear water.