Helo Arsone Gray

- Age: 37
- Race: Ikaanian
- Weight: 88kg
- Height: 180cm
- Frame: Muscular
- Religion: Cult of The Elder
- Base location: Roaming (Redhaven North & South, and Crow's End)
- Status: Convict
- Price: 0 ($0/day)
- Roaming Location:
Helo is leader of the gang of rich bullies - "The Urban Titans" - which appears on day 30, and oppresses Redhaven and Crow's End - the wealthiest districts they can get away with shaking down without forcing the Skyguard to lose several men and an ongoing source of "freebooters' holding" (bribes) by liquidating them. He is an insolent, arrogant, sadistic murderer and rapist who, with his similarly antisocial friends Dunner, Armani, Lee and Zamar, can afford the best weapons and armor money can buy. Despite their wealth, the five are not soft - they are fit and strong adrenaline junkies who pride themselves at being the best at everything they do, including combat.
Character Traits:
- Jaded
- Techie
- Warrior
Starter Stats:
Helo is tallish, strong, fit and disciplined, and skilled at melee and particularly ranged combat.

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